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Holy Trinity Auction Night Raffles


Golden Ticket**

$20 per Ticket

Buy your ticket early!

Winner receives choice of ANY Silent Auction Item


Wine Grab**

$20.00 each

Select a cork, match the number to a bottle on the Wine Wall

and you win that bottle – Everyone’s a winner!


Treasure Chest

$10 per Key

Select a key and see if it is the lucky one to open the Treasure Chest Prize


Four Corners Game

Try your luck at the fun-filled four corners game to win a Mystery Prize

Cost: $5.00

Tickets sold and group game played prior to Live Auction Start 



Heads or Tails Game

Play the Game of Chance to win a Mystery prize

Cost: $10.00

Tickets sold and group game played during Live Auction break



50/50 Raffle

$1 per ticket



Grand Raffle

3 Chances at winning a $1000 Gift Card

$20 per ticket


Chocolate Monopoly Money Sale**

$5.00 each

Purchase one of Mrs. Smith's delicious homemade chocolates


Chinese Auction**

Tickets: 10 for $10 or 25 for $20


**Purchase of these items can be added to your end of the night balance

No Packages in Catalog Auction Night Raffles
Auction Night Raffles

2018 Auction Sponsors