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Holy Trinity Auction 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018

A Note from the 2018 Auction Committee

Dear Family, Friends, and Guests,

Welcome to the 19th Annual Holy Trinity Auction. Get ready to Advance to Go as we play a number of monopoly themed games in our efforts to raise money to support our children’s school.  Like our amazing teachers who strive to make learning fun in the classroom each day, our committee has worked to create a fun night for you.  Please join us in our Four Corners raffle game which will follow dinner, and then in favorite with a monopoly twist Heads, Tails or Jail raffle game.  Purchase a key to our Community Chest and win a mystery prize.  Thank you for joining us in support of Holy Trinity Catholic School! 

Like all of the fundraisers at HTS, the proceeds from the Auction go toward the operating budget of the school.  We have the opportunity, during our Appeal, to earn money for a project that is outside of the operating budget.  This year, Mrs. Stevenson has asked us to use the Appeal opportunity to raise monies toward the purchase of new instruments and materials for our Music Program.  Our goal is to raise $2000.  Any amount that you can contribute is greatly appreciated!

We have again been blessed by a number of sponsors whose donations help to underwrite the costs of the Auction, and therefore tremendously increase the revenue for the school generated by this fundraiser.  You will see sponsor company names posted near our raffles, you will note their logos scrolling on the banners on your smartphones, and you will see their names on your tables.  These sponsors are businesses who employ school families or friends of school families.  As with all who donate to the school via the Auction, please patronize these companies whenever possible.

Mobile bidding returns to the Auction this year!  Make sure you have registered a credit card so that you can bypass check-out at the Auction’s conclusion.  Also, with a credit card on file, you can use your bidder number to purchase tickets to our Wine, Golden Ticket, Chocolate Money, and Chinese Auction raffles and to purchase smartphone chargers (should you need them.)  We are excited to again offer a ‘Max Bid’ option, enabling bidders to set the highest price that they are willing to pay for a certain item.  No text messages about the bidding on that item will be received unless another bidder exceeds the maximum bid that you set. 

Our teachers continue to give exceptional support to the Auction.  They have been kind enough to donate half of the wine for our Wine Grab Raffle.  Many have also offered to donate their personal time and energy in the form of a student/teacher fun activity which we are making available for bid in the “From HTS with Love” section of the Silent Auction.  And many are in attendance tonight! We are truly appreciative of their time.


We are grateful to Mrs. Stevenson for the personal way in which she supports the Auction.  Thanks to Mrs. Ruggiero and Mrs. McGinley for their help with many of the Auction’s administrative needs.


We continue to be humbled by the extreme generosity of our school and parish families who have donated a great number of the items that you will bid on.  Although we do receive a number of donations from the businesses in our surrounding communities, the Auction would not be possible without the extraordinary gifts of our school parents.


We offer a special thank you to the school families who donated time as volunteers.  We are especially grateful to the families of the Auction Committee for all of their personal sacrifices.


Sarah Smith and Leslie Williams (2018 Auction Chairs)

2018 Auction Sponsors